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Dear Black Men… 👑🤴🏾🖤

So I initially wrote this post February 2017 after having my heart broken by watching the Netflix Original movie “Imperial Dreams”! To me, the movie shed a ton of light on how hard black men face oppression in America. They work so hard, they try their best, they’re good men, great father’s, yet the chips are always stacked against them in a way that they come crashing down like a game of Jenga! Watching this movie, my heart literally ached and cried out for black men. This was originally just a post/letter to every black man in my life or connected to me in any way, past, present and future, yet it turned into a poem of sorts and received a lot of positive feedback. So, in the light of this recent black history month, the 2 year anniversary of me originally writing this post/poem, and just because I love and celebrate black men just because today is today, I decided to repost it on my blog!

February 17, 2017

Just finished watching Imperial Dreams on Netflix… I’m at work all in my feelings, trying not to cry.

Dear Black Men,

On behalf of this crooked society of which we live, with its countless fragments, broken steps, slippery slopes, all of which are carefully created to keep you from succeeding, I apologize. I’m sorry for the daily brick walls you are forced to face as soon as you open your beautiful eyes every morning. I apologize for every crooked path, that’s purposely broken in an attempt to keep you stumbling. I apologize for every system of government that sees your beautiful melanin skin as a threat, a weapon, a monster, nobody… instead of the strength, the king, the conqueror, the overcomer of all things that I see when I look at you. If only the world could view you through my eyes. You are the beautiful roses that grow from the cracks in concrete. My heart, my soul aches for you and the daily battles you’re forced to fight. I can see the pain of each battle wound just beyond your eyes. I apologize, because the world will never tell you they’re sorry. The passionate love I hold for you is a fierceness that no one else could ever understand. There is an overwhelming pride that rises inside me whenever I see one of you accomplish anything or make it anywhere, because I know for a fact that none of it was handed to you, but fought for every step of the way. Dear black kings, from the crown of your head, to the soles of your feet, I love you. Forever. For always. For real.

Quotes of the Week:

Dear Black Men,

If you weren’t so valuable, and didn’t have the potential to be so powerful, the world wouldn’t be so hellbent on exterminating your very existence!

-Author Unknown

Dear Black Men,

You were never meant to be a savage or a thug! That mentality was taught to you by men who despised your masculinity. You are a God by nature! You are strong and moral by nature! You are kind, respectable and merciful by nature! You are a product of peace and righteousness! Don’t take on the identity of a beast to just deny your identity as a God! Your royalty is in righteousness!

-Author Unknown

Stay Loyal, Stay Royal!
Freddie J.


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10 replies »

  1. To my sister, a Queen in her own right. I love you beyond my light, beyond any word man can create. Your words truly brightens my spirit. Though were siblings and I’m the eldest, I get joy in knowing that I have your words of love and inspiration to look forward to through your blogs. God has blessed you beyond measure and I pray he continues to brighten your path that you continue to be a beacon to everyone you come in contact with. I know I don’t see you enough(my bad)  but I carry you with me daily. Thank you for coming into my life as my sister.  Love you and continue your journey.                          Big Brother                                DerrickSent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awwww Big Brother! They was the sweetest! I love you so much! Thank you for your continued support of my crafts! That’s the best gift I could ever have! I love you beyond measure!🤗😍😘


  2. Oh my. This is really empowering triplet. However, I feel like message applies to the whole Black community. Men and women of the Black community have so much potential but are constantly being portrayed by society so negatively. I honestly think society is scared to see someone other than the color white have the upper hand. Can’t wait for a birthday post!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Triplet! It’s always reassuring when someone outside of the black community notices and addresses the hardships that we face. We do have a lot of potential, we’re innovates, we are the trends that are tending. There’s a saying that everyone hates us, but loves our culture and it is very sad but so true.
      P.S. Birthday posts will be popping!


  3. OMG, this should be posted on the highest billboard in EVERY city across america for ALL Black Men and Women to see. This is a true message on how men feel and have been treated for so long but just need the little push to get them started on their way. Fred, you are amazing in so many ways. God has his hand on you for his work that need to be done.. I know you are willing to do it and he will direct your path. I love you SweetPea, let your light shine.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wowww sis what a powerful beautiful touching message to our Black Kings. I literally teared up as I took in the words. It is our dutie as black women to keep all of our Kings lifted and encouraged because everyday they are faced with the weight of the world on their shoulders. Let’s keep our men encouraged.

    Keep up the good work sis. I’m so very proud of you. Love you

    Liked by 1 person

  5. AMAZING!!!!! I LOVED it the first time I read it and I LOVE it even more now! Every black male needs to read this young or old to help keep that fire under their feet and know that with God they can and WILL surprise the world that has consistently tried to hold them back!!! Keep it up Fred 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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